RN Therapeutics is not accepting new clients at this time. Please check back in 2025 for availability.
Mission Statement:
To educate, motivate, and provide treatment for those seeking to change and improve their lives through wellness, rehabilitation, posture, movement, stress reduction, muscle balance and pain relief."
Massage Therapist License: MSG001255
RNTherapeutics was founded in 2004 by Karen Stork and is the premier massage related business in Berks County that provides a full spectrum of wellness, fitness and rehabilitation services. Customized medical and therapeutic massage treatments are provided by licensed medical professionals, with optional progression to stretching and strengthening programs designed to fit any health and well being, fitness, injury prevention, postural improvement or rehabilitation needs.
Karen Stork is a Registered Nurse, Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Medical Massage Therapist, Certified Posture Specialist, Certified Lymphedema Therapist and Personal Trainer. As the owner and principal therapist, Karen has expanded her medical knowledge with extensive education and training in various massage, manual therapy, fitness and orthopedic rehabilitation techniques. The advanced education and certifications beyond the standard massage, medical and personal training curriculum has enabled her to achieve a high level of successful outcomes in stress and pain management, postural correction and rehabilitation.
Karen has studied extensively with Whitney Lowe (Orthopedic Massage), James Waslaski (Orthopedic Massage), Aaron Mattes (Active Isolated Stretching), Erik Dalton (Myoskeletal Alignment), Tom Myers (Structural Integration, Anatomy Trains), Upledger Institute (Craniosacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Visceral Manipulation), Judith Delany (Neuromuscular Therapy), John Barnes (Myofascial Release), Theresa Ramsey (Cancer Massage, Infant Massage), Norton School of Lymphatic Therapy (Lymphedema Management), Claire Davis (Trigger Point Therapy), PIMT/Cortiva (Medical Massage, Corrective Orthopedics), Medical Massage Association (Orthopedic, Manual Therapy Techniques and principles), and other internationally recognized professionals in the health, rehab and fitness fields.
Many local physicians, physical therapists, chiropractors, nurse practitioners and other health care professionals refer to RN Therapeutics on a regular basis. Individuals with Worker’s Compensation and automobile injuries are covered by insurance at RN Therapeutics-a prescription from a treating physician is all that is needed for treatment.
RN Therapeutics provides relaxation massage that can be very effective for the stress we encounter in our daily lives. Repetitive strain conditions, chronic overuse, work and life related stress, poor posture and associated muscle imbalances are some of the many factors that can contribute to increased muscle tension, headaches, anxiety and insomnia that subsequently increase the risk of pain and injury. Do you sit at a desk all day, stand at your job, lift or use a keyboard most of the time? RN Therapeutics can provide a thorough posture analysis to identify muscle imbalances and in turn, stretch the tight muscles and strengthen the weak muscles to enhance functional movement for the activities of daily life. RN Therapeutics specializes in creating a program of massage and fitness based on an assessment that is customized specifically to your needs. Kinesiotaping can also be used to enhance the rehabilitative process. Active Isolated Stretching and personal training with resistance bands and weights to improve posture and promote muscle balance for optimal physical and mental functioning can easily transition to a home exercise or gym program.
RN Therapeutics sells home exercise equipment for stretching and strengthening as well as educational products such as Guided Imagery, books, Biofreeze and Sombra cooling and warming lotions, exercise manuals, foam rollers, therapeutic pillows, hot and cold packs and most Thera-Band products including resistance bands and tubing, handles, exercise balls and ankle weights. Stop by RN Therapeutics for your home fitness needs!
Click Here for more information.
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." ~Winston S. Churchill